2025 ICC Faculty Papers and Abstracts

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To ensure consistency and clarity, please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your Full Paper or Extended Abstract for submission:

Note: Full Papers and Extended Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, on 8.5 x 11-inch paper with 1-inch margins.

Full Papers | Include the following elements:

  • TITLE (bold, flush left, all caps)
  • Author Names, University Affiliations – No titles (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.) should be used, nor should academic rank be indicated.
  • Contact Information: Please add: “For further information, please contact Lead Author’s Full Name, Title, Affiliation (Email Address).”
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Key Contributions (Max. 300 words)
  • Paper (Max. 3,000 words)
  • Appendix (optional)
  • Selected References

Extended Abstracts | Include the following elements:

  • Title: (in bold, all caps) 
  • Author Names and University Affiliations: Avoid titles (such as Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.), nor should year or class be indicated.
  • Contact Information: Under author names (maximum of two), please include the following statement for the lead author: 
    • “For further information, please contact Lead Author’s Full Name, Title, Affiliation (Email Address).” 

  • Keywords: Provide a list of 4-5 keywords.
  • Description: Provide a one-sentence description of your paper.

Please then standardize the organization and content of your Extended Abstract in accordance with the following headings:

  • Lead Heading: EXTENDED ABSTRACT (bold, centered, all caps) 
    • *Please limit your content under each of these headings to no more than 200 words. Please use word count, as submissions in excess of this quantity could lead to disqualifications.

  • Heading One: Research Question (bold, left-aligned, title caps)*
    • Describe the research question that your research project is intended to answer and why it is being studied. Any subsequent questions may also be included.

  • Heading Two: Method and Data (bold, left-aligned, title caps)*
    • Describe how you went about answering the research question through your research. Methods can be quantitative, qualitative, or both. However, all research projects must include primary research in order to qualify for the competition. 

  • Heading Three: Summary of Findings (bold, left-aligned, title caps)*
    • Describe the results of your analysis.

  • Heading Four: Key Contributions (bold, left-aligned, title caps)* 
    • Please describe the most important takeaways from your research. Consider what marketers could do with your results and what other research could come next.

  • Remember:
    • Any entry using case competition related research will be disqualified
    • Research must be conducted during the current academic year
    • No reference list is necessary
    • Please do not include any graphic elements (e.g., display equations, tables, figures, appendices)

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